John;s Story Bonus Time:
The Legend of the Secret Starcrafter
John was dead in the kingdom but the kings did not die with him. Duncan was dead too because time went by. John’s son was named Johnny Tran and he was the new king. He went by John for shot.
King John looked through the kingdom’s telescope and hailed the new day as the sun rose from the blackness. Nigh. Figh it was a new day and John was not happy. He wanted to rule more than just the kingdom of Shagnusland but nay he was stuck in a root.
He pointed the telescope at the Astro Major Constellation and the stars blew up.
“Man!” he said “That is some kind of explosion there.” I bet that I can get there if I try. Do But John did not.
Sudden there was a man in the Observatorioum with John. I am the Starcrafter it said.
“What do you do sir?” saked John’s querum.
“I am the Starcrafter. I have awoken in the time of desperate need and dire need. It is the time that You are not at all WAT I EXPECTED!”
John was shocked and awed “I am king and you will bow to me”
They fought to the death and John was the victor because he stabbed the starcrafter in the Brain and twisted the blace so that the brains went out. With the dying breeth the Starcrafter put a hidden curse on John and made it so that the stars all went on a colishun cosser with the planet he was on. He commanded et.
So John know that and he was the new Starcrafter he had command of the stars but he could not do it because they talked a forign tongue. he only had 10 hundred hours before the stars would hit the Earth he had to stop them some how but HE MIGHT NOT IF HE CANT.
John went to the old Languagemancer of the kingdom and asked him to teach him all of the spoken tongues of the entire kingdom. He learned all of them but none were right.
John agreed and decided that he had to meet with these beasts if he was to save the world he may have to destroy it…
So he went to the Worldforge. There is when wehre he had to destroy the dark anvil of which the universe was built up on. But in arder to destroy it he had to kill the six Octogaurds that each had ten spears and were really good with them.
John wasn’t not too bad with his weapon of choice either he took out his croxbow and first fired really really quickly at them he got some of them but the rest were the elite guards and hit away the BOLTS with the tips of their spearsh.
The Octogaurds blew up on command and put placed away their spears.
John looked up and a heavenly father sprang down in a shieth of light.
“WHOM DOTH YOU SERVEH?” querumed the Voice
“I serve the lands of my foyerbearers. The lands of milk and shank. The lands of Shagnusland.” John rippled
The vail of shadow curled away into depths and revealed. It was John’s father John!.
John was taken aback. “Father John” John said.
“John!” John said “What do you do here in the Worldforge for?”
John explained the foul time gthat was upon them.
John grimaced. “Sounds like an old fiend both foul has returned. 10 years ago there was a beast that ravaged the entire world. He claimed to eat all life but he was stopped by the Legendary King Duncan when he gave his life to stop it…….AHHHHHHHH